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Last edited by KingJustin123 · 8 days ago

Welcome to the official Valegate Wiki! Your ultimate guide to mastering the world of Valegate! Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned player, this wiki is packed with essential commands, game mechanics, and tips to enhance your experience.

Meet the Team

Below is a list of the dedicated staff members who help maintain and improve the Valegate experience. Each member plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of the game.

Team Members

Username Role
KingJustin123 Owner & Founder
Lady_Maddie Owner
AshinosX Admin
ionoiscool Admin
BenSanta Admin
Chocolateyness Designer
Snidess Sr.Mod
D1ce_436 Sr.Mod
Connormac_ Sr.Mod
Bruno_885 Mod
jamie_lmao Mod
Ninjafire756 Mod

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to any of our team members in-game or through our community channels!

Last edited by KingJustin123 · 7 days ago

On Valegate, land claiming is essential for protecting your builds and ensuring that only trusted players can interact with your property. This guide explains how to claim land, manage permissions, and use advanced claim settings.

How to Claim Land

To create a land claim, use the following command:

πŸ”Ή /kit claim – Provides you with the necessary tools to start a claim.

πŸ”ΉΒ /claim – Supports claiming without a golden shovel

Once you have the claim tools, follow these steps:

  1. Select Two Opposite Corners – Use the golden shovel to right-click two corners of the area you want to claim.
  2. Confirm the Claim – Once selected, your claim is created, and no unauthorized players can modify the area.
  3. Check Your Claim – Use /claiminfo while standing in a claimed area to view claim details.

Claiming Costs & Refunds

  • Claim costs vary depending on the gamemode you are playing. Some modes may have higher claim costs due to balancing mechanics.
  • If you decide to abandon a claim, 65% of the initial claim cost will be refunded.
  • To remove a claim, use:
    πŸ”Ή /abandonclaim – Deletes your claim and refunds 65% of the cost.
    πŸ”Ή /abandonallclaims – Removes all your claims.

Managing Claim Permissions

Trusting and Untrusting Players

You can allow other players to build, access containers, or interact with your claim using the following commands:

πŸ”Ή /trust <username> – Grants a player full build access to your claim.
πŸ”Ή /containertrust <username> – Allows a player to access chests, furnaces, and other containers.
πŸ”Ή /accesstrust <username> – Allows a player to use doors, buttons, and levers but not break blocks.
πŸ”Ή /untrust <username> – Removes a player’s access from your claim.
πŸ”Ή /untrust all – Removes all trusted players from your claim.

To check who has access to your claim, use:
πŸ”Ή /trustlist – Shows a list of all trusted players in your claim.

Claim Flags & Customization

For advanced customization, Valegate allows you to modify various claim settings using the GriefDefender (GD) Menu:

πŸ”Ή /gd – Opens an interactive menu where you can set different claim flags.
πŸ”Ή Claim flags allow you to:

  • Enable or disable PVP within your claim.
  • Control mob spawning (allow or deny hostile/passive mobs).
  • Restrict fire spread and explosions.
  • Configure custom interactions for visitors.

For a full list of available claim flags, open the menu via /gdΒ in-game.


Claiming land ensures that your builds remain protected from griefing and unauthorized access. Be sure to manage your claims properly, use trust commands wisely, and customize claim settings using claim flags. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask a staff member.

πŸš€ Happy claiming! πŸš€

Last edited by KingJustin123 · 8 days ago

General Helpful Commands Guide

Command Description Example
Home & Movement Commands
/sethome <home> Sets a home location with a custom name (Default: Players can set up to 3 homes) /sethome cave
/home <home> Teleports to a saved home location /home cave
/delhome <home> Deletes a saved home location /delhome cave
/wild Teleports to a random location in the wilderness /wild
/warp <warp> Teleports to a set warp location /warp end
/spawn Teleports to the server spawn location (if available) /spawn
/tpa <player> Sends a teleport request to another player /tpa Steve
/tpahere <player> Requests a player to teleport to you /tpahere Alex
/tpaccept Accepts a pending teleport request /tpaccept
/tpdeny Denies a pending teleport request /tpdeny
/tf Activates tempfly if available /tf
Voting & Rewards Commands
/vote Brings up the voting links for rewards /vote
/ref <player> Refers a new player and earns rewards /ref kingjustin123
Messaging & Interaction
/msg <player> <message> Sends a private message to a player /msg Alex Hey, need help?
/r <message> Replies to the last private message /r Yeah, I need some help.
/mail send <player> <message> Sends an offline message to a player /mail send Alex I left you some diamonds in the chest!
/mail read Reads received mail messages /mail read
/mail clear Clears all received mail messages /mail clear
Chat Placeholders
[item] or [i] Displays the item you're holding in chat Hey, check this out! [item]
[inv] Displays your full inventory in chat Anyone need supplies? [inv]
[ender] Displays your Ender Chest contents in chat My valuables: [ender]

Last edited by KingJustin123 · 8 days ago

PlayerWarps Commands

Here is a comprehensive list of commands for our PlayerWarps system.Β 

Command Description Example
/pw Opens the Player Warp GUI /pw
/pw help Displays the command menu /pw help
/pw <warp> Teleports to a player warp /pw shop
/pw set <warp> Sets a warp at your current location /pw set home
/pw remove <warp> Removes the specified warp /pw remove farm
/pw removeall <player> Removes all warps from a player /pw removeall Steve
/pw desc set/remove <warp> <desc> Adds or removes a warp description /pw desc set market Best shop in town!
/pw list Lists all player warps /pw list
/pw amount Shows how many warps you have /pw amount
/pw reload Reloads the configuration files /pw reload
/pw icon <set/remove> <warp> Sets or removes a warp icon /pw icon set shop diamond_block
/pw addwarps <player> <amount> Adds more warps to a player /pw addwarps Alex 2
/pw category <warp> <category> Assigns a warp to a category /pw category mine mining
/pw rate <warp> <rate> Rates a warp /pw rate home 5
/pw lock <warp> Locks a warp from access /pw lock vipzone
/pw cost set/remove <warp> <cost> Sets or removes a warp cost /pw cost set farm 50
/pw reset <warp> Resets the location of a warp /pw reset town
/pw rename <warp> <name> Renames a warp /pw rename oldshop newshop
/pw setowner <warp> <player> Transfers ownership of a warp /pw setowner castle Alex
/pw password set/remove <warp> <password> Sets or removes a warp password /pw password set vault 1234

Warp Limits & Sponsored Slots

  • Players by default get 3 Player Warps on both servers.
  • Sponsored Slots: Players can purchase featured warp slots in the GUI for a set cost and duration.
    • These warps appear on the first page of the GUI
    • The cost and duration vary based on the gamemode.

Last edited by KingJustin123 · 8 days ago

What is Valegate?

Valegate is a Minecraft server with a rich history, evolving from a small community in 2015 to the diverse and exciting network it is today. Originally founded as Rustic-Craft, the server grew under the leadership of KingJustin123 and his dedicated team.

  • Rustic-Craft (2015 - 2021) – The foundation of our community.
  • Cactus Craft (2021 - Mid 2022) – A fresh rebrand bringing new innovations.
  • Galaxy Horizons (Mid 2022 - 2024) – A new era with an updated vision and branding.
  • Valegate (Mid 2024- Present) - A return to the foundations

Valegate: A New Chapter (07/06/2024)

In mid-2024, we rebranded to Valegate, introducing a massive overhaul to both our gamemodes and community experience. This transformation reflects our commitment to continuous growth, new adventures, and an even more immersive player experience whilst also taking us more back to our roots.

How Can I Get in Contact?

You can reach us through our website hereΒ or join our Discord ServerΒ to chat with our community and staff. πŸš€